Last year, Elizabeth Crossan, then the wife of Dave Crossan, died of a sudden brain tumor after a tumultuous and brave battle with the cancer. She was 26 years old and the mother of two young boys. This death was particularly close to my heart because Elizabeth was such an encouragement to me and Melanie during the short time that we knew her.
God makes beauty out of ashes. As a covenant family, we should mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. I had the honor of playing the piano at Dave and Amber (Knight) Crossan's wedding (see pictures above). Amber is the daughter of Barry Knight, one of our main worship singers. I have known Amber since she was a baby and the Knights are life long friends. I have great memories of watching Barry and my Dad play softball and enjoying so much spending time with Barry and Diane, even on the night of my brother Mark's Memorial Service (they came back to our house afterwards and ministered to us greatly). It is funny the things you remember.
In Ecclesiastes, Solomon says, "God makes all things beautiful in their time." Romans 8 tells us that God works "all things for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose." This is a special act of provision that God gives to those in His church...somehow, someway, God's sovereign plan comes to fruition even when there seems to be no hope.
I was so encouraged by the video Dave and Amber showed at their wedding, and I wanted to pass it on as I know many of you were deeply stirred by Elizabeth's death and have been positively impacted by Dave and Amber. I did receive Dave and Amber's permission to post this video.
In the middle of the video, Dave and Amber tell the story of how God brought them together--how God made beauty out of ashes. I love the way they honored Elizabeth, while embracing God's plan and their future together. I am so impressed with the fruits of the Holy Spirit that are evident in both Dave and Amber's lives (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, and self-control). It is a joy to know people like Dave and Amber.
Here is the link:
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